Wake Me Up - Daniel Ray Hilsinger x Ung Cancer

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Daniel Ray Hilsinger
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Ung Cancers allmänna arbete

Wake Me Up - Daniel Ray Hilsinger x Ung Cancer

8 years ago I was diagnosed with bone cancer. I didn't know if I'd get to live another year. I was terrified, but music helped me make it through every day. In this time, I began learning guitar for the first time, singing in the hospital stairwells and writing songs.

I was lucky to have a lot of family, friend, mental and medical support over the course of my treatment and I believe strongly in how important love, care and creativity are for healing.

I'm starting this Ung Cancer fundraiser because they develop and maintain support programs for teens and young adults with cancer and during survivorship. This is important work!!

Why Avicii’s Wake Me Up?

Recently, I was invited to share my story and songs at Kopparberg Elementary School with the 11 yr old Kopparberg Kids Choir by Teacher Linnéa Didic. I asked them what they wanted to sing… and one girl raised her hand and said ”Avicii.. Wake Me Up” and so that’s what we did!

It felt right - an amazing, deep and powerful song about life, fear, uncertainty, youth, innocence and dreams. I felt called to sing it after my experience with bone cancer, watching my dad die, and finding salvation in music. I hope you like it. And I hope it makes a positive difference in this world!!!

I'm so lucky and grateful to be alive today and I hope my music and story are able to bring you some hope.


Daniel Ray Hilsinger

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Senaste aktivitet

  • Jenny Jonskog Ung Cancer
    Stort tack för att du startade den här insamlingen till förmån för Ung Cancer! Tack till alla som skänkte en gåva, det betyder mycket för oss. Varma hälsningar vi på Ung Cancer.
  • Irma Häggström Irma Häggström gav 100 kr

  • Jan Holm Jan Holm gav 100 kr

  • Kristina  Dahlgren Kristina Dahlgren gav 100 kr

  • Ingrid Andersson Ingrid Andersson gav 100 kr

  • Monica Magnusson Monica Magnusson gav 300 kr

    Many of my friends have died in cancer.

  • Anonym Anonym gav 300 kr

    Jag ger för att alla bidrag gör skillnad. Kämpa på!

  • Anonym Anonym gav 500 kr

  • Sofia Jespersen Sofia Jespersen gav 100 kr

  • Anonym Anonym gav 200 kr

  • Monica  Andersson Monica Andersson gav 500 kr


  • Conny Sohlberg Conny Sohlberg gav 500 kr

    Thanx for making a difference my friend! Let the light and music shine on every kid that need its power.

  • Pär Lago Pär Lago gav 100 kr

    Grips av Daniels berättelse, och ser och förstår att musiken har en kraft som gör att man kan ta sig igenom sjukdomen och förhoppningsvis även bli frisk.❤️

  • Järphagen Cecilia Järphagen Cecilia gav 2 000 kr

  • Victoria Magnusson Victoria Magnusson gav 100 kr

  • Åsa Ericsdotter Andersson Åsa Ericsdotter Andersson gav 300 kr

    Viktigt att stödja forskningen för ung cancer, har själv haft bröstcancer och tack vare forskning har jag fått en bra behandling

  • Niklas B Niklas B gav 2 000 kr

    Du inspirerar, Daniel!

  • Anonym Anonym gav 500 kr


  • Anonym Anonym gav 1 000 kr

    My stepmom suffers from cancer, has got very little time left, wants to donate a small amount of money, AND she’s a huge fan of D. Hilsinger